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R-BIND was initially compiled to analyze the distinct features of RNA chemical probes for the rational design of RNA-biased screening libraries. The compilation has since expanded to gain an understanding of the current targets, design and discovery strategies, and biochemical characterization of the probes. The dataset includes only bioactive ligands with demonstrated activity in cell culture and/or animal models and is subdivided into two libraries, small molecules (SM) and large molecules (LM). This database is expected to expedite the discovery of RNA chemical probes by providing an enabling resource for the scientific community, including access to a plethora of information for each probe as well as features to filter and search the collection. The database is updated biennially and is maintained by the Hargrove Lab at Duke University. Further information about the database can be found in the following publications:
R-BIND was originally curated and updated (v1.0 and v1.1) by Brittany S. Morgan, Ph.D. and Jordan E. Forte. R-BIND v1.2 was updated by Diane B. Karloff and Brittany S. Morgan, Ph.D. R-BIND v2.0 was updated by Anita Donlic, Ph.D., Emily Swanson, Sarah Wicks, Ph.D., Aline Umuhire Juru, Ph.D., Alex Cai, Kamillah Kassam, and Christopher Laudeman. R-BIND v2.1 was updated by Emily Swanson, Antonia Bruce, Marek Zorawski, Greta Bagnolini, Ph.D., and Christopher D’Inzeo. The cheminformatic data was generated by Brittany S. Morgan, Ph.D., Jordan E. Forte, Bilva G. Sanaba, Emily Swanson, Sarah Wicks, Ph.D., and Alex Cai. The RNA Structure Search feature was created by Liang-Yuan Chiu, Ph.D., and Andrew Sugarman (Tolbert lab) at Case Western Reserve University. The website was created and is maintained by Bilva G. Sanaba with support from Michael Peterson and Bill Day, all under the supervision of Prof. Amanda E. Hargrove. Funding for this work was provided by Duke University, the US National Institute of General Medicine (U54AI150470, R35GM124785), and the Prostate Cancer Foundation Young Investigator Award.